Word project

This project was to take photos with two principles and elements contained in them. Then we had to take two photos of ourselves. Then we had to pick a word that described us and match all the photos with that word. My word is Patient and it is shown with the photos because I am patient enough to wait for my plants to grow and to make T-leaf leis. Both of these photos require patience because it is a lot of work to take care of and weave together. I have the patience to make all the leis with quality and the patience to wait for my plants to grow and nurture them into their adult form. This project explains a characteristic I have and can prove that I am.

Emphasis and Subordination project


 I had to attempt to copy these photos and enhance them on Photoshop.

Mancala board
I enhance the colors and make the black background. The levels were changed to make the stones stick out more then the board. The emphasis is on the front half of the board, subordination on the other.


Crayola Markers
This one took me a while, the markers kept rolling so I had to hold it with my finger and take the picture as soon as i let go. I changed the hues and saturations to make the colors stand out. Focused on the first four markers and the rest are blurred the farther they got.

Monopoly Houses
Had to ask my assistant (my brother) to hold the flashlight to get the right lighting and shadows. I had to edit any marks that were on the white so the focus was on the house. The one closest to the screen is blurred and the rest are as well. I also had to crop this photo so that the first and last were "cut off" of the photo.

For this photo I used my hallway light, it made the shadows the right way and the colors more brilliant. When editing I had to blur the yellow and blue a little more so the red was more in focus. This one took me a while to get the right angles.

Color Pencils
For this photo I had to sharpen the color pencils to about the same length and position them in a circle which took a lot of time. Instead of Photo tinting the colors I copied the photo and cropped only the tips and layered them on to the black and white. I had to adjust the hues and saturations because the levels made some colors darker or lighter then the rest and it stuck out. I made the focus equally on the colors and the black and white subordinate.