Poster 1
Poster 2
Poster 3
For this project I was told to make three posters that defined the word I chose for the previous project that described me. My word was patience. I also had to add a catch phrase, mine is "worth the time". Also I had to add words that represent the meaning I wanted to express. My words are "suppress restlessness", "perseverance", and diligence". For poster one, I had to make it simple so it's straight forward and understandable. The second poster, I had to add the catch phrase and make the photo more complicating as well as keep the word with it. For the last one I had to add the descriptive words that match what I wanted it to mean and make it even more complicated with editing a bunch on Photoshop. I had to incorporate the same word and catch phrase as well without making the photo too confusing. After a lot of editing and more editing I ended up with these three. It was a lot of work but it was "worth the time".